Saturday, August 29, 2015

Current Events 1

Recent events have been, well, exciting so I thought I would give a few quick quips Over the next few days to update everyone to some interesting highlights of my life over the next few blog posts.

Pieces of Predators from SPACE!

     Ok, ok, ok, so space has nothing to do with this event at all but I needed to hook you somehow. One day I was walking along the beach in Taimati, just killing some time and relaxing. When all of the sudden I noticed a unique shape pass by in the sand. I threw my fiddle-stick on the ground (literally just a stick I was fiddling around with) and whipped around to see....a shark's tooth! It was heavily eroded but of substantial size, and upon further investigation I believe there is a good chance it is an old and small Megalodon tooth! Here are some photos for your investigation:

Shark tooth and a quarter for scale
A sampling of Megalodon teeth.